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My Christies Memory

My Christies Memory - Christies Bakery

This week Jen, one of our amazing team members (you may have seen her at Il Secondo on Broadway), shared a family memory we wanted to pass on to you.


When my children were small, we lived very modestly and extras were few and far between. Our days were not always easy so it was important to me that we celebrate every occasion. Sometimes we even made up silly days just to have something to look forward to. Have you ever heard of International Pet a Nice Dog Day? Well now you have. 

Nearly every time, the boys would request that we celebrate with cinnamon buns from Christies so I’d pack them up in the car and make the trek across the city for our beloved ooey gooey treats. There was never a day that wasn’t made better with a trip to Christies. Going to the bakery was an event, a tradition, and something very special. 

I often wondered what made those sticky messy buns so darn good. Was it a particular flour? Imported sugar? Extra rising time? Luckily I’ve had the honour of getting to know the Muzzolini family and Christies Bakery team over the past few years and I’ve learned the secret: Love. It goes into every single thing they do. Love for the ingredients, the process, the product. Love for their family, their staff and their community. It’s just as simple as that.

If you’re wondering, my children are now all grown up and they still ask for Christies treats when they visit. Tomorrow just happens to be National Jump in the Snow Day. You should get a cinnamon bun to celebrate.


As you know, we're turning 90 this year. As part of our celebration, we're sharing memories of the bakery from family, friends, staff and our wonderful customers. If you have a story you'd like to share, please send us an email at - we'd love to hear it! 


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Great story Jen! Loved reading this. Now I go jump in the snow:)