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A Purrfect Collaboration

A Purrfect Collaboration - Christies Bakery
Jessica took time out of her busy schedule to talk to us about all from SCAT Street Cat Rescue!
Can you tell us about your organization for those who might be new to you
SCAT Street Cat Rescue Program Inc. is a registered charitable organization whose focus is promoting quality of care and quality of life for street cats through fostering, adoption, and TNRM (Trap, Neuter, Return, Manage) programs. Our harsh weather and no-roaming bylaws, along with all the usual risks to outdoor cats, make survival difficult. We prioritize the most vulnerable, including pregnant cats, kittens, and those with injuries or medical problems requiring urgent vet care.
How many animals end up in your care yearly?
In 2022, we took in 652 cats.
How many foster homes do you have and what is the role of a cat foster?

Fosters are volunteers who agree to give their foster cats the same loving care they would give to their own animals; in addition, they provide information to Street Cat to help them promote the fosters, and they support opportunities for their fosters to meet potential adopters.

All our adoptable cats live in foster homes. This has numerous advantages: we get to know the cat’s personality and can match them to an appropriate forever home; the cats become familiar with the sights and sounds of everyday home life; and they are happy and safe while waiting for their forever family to find them. We currently have about 100 active fosters and are always looking for more. Since we don't operate a shelter, we can only intake cats if we have a spot to put them, and always have a waitlist of more waiting to come in. If you would like to become a foster, more info at

4. How are you different from the SPCA?
SCAT Street Cat Rescue does not have a shelter environment and all of our animals reside in a foster home. We do not receive any government funding, relying on public fundraisers and donors for funding. Our mandate is to intake only unowned cats and all finders must advertise for owners before we can approve them coming into our program.
5. Where does your funding go? Food, medications, other expenses?
We don't receive funding from any organization or government, but the majority of the funds raised or donated are put towards veterinary bills, food, and supplies for cats in our care, with a small amount for staffing our office. 
6. How can folks help out? Donations of money, cat food, etc. 
We accept food, supplies, and monetary donations at the SCAT office  at #108- 2750 Faithfull Avenue (corner of 50th and Faithfull) in Saskatoon. Visit for all the ways to help out.